Registered Charity No. 1056320
- BACT was formed in 1995 by a small group of International athletics coaches together with that great supporter of Track and Fields, Sir Eddie Kulukundis O.B.E. It was set up to raise funds for assisting in the development of Track and Fiield Athletics in the United Kingdom using a three tier approach through grass-
roots, National and International level projects.
- Initially B.A.C.T. supported mainly field events but more recently it has developed its activities to encompass all events in the athletics program.
- Its objectives are primarily to increase the number of people who actively participate in Club athletics in the United Kingdom, increase the opportunities for competition and training for both Clubs and athletes National level, and to improve performance of British athletes at international level.
- To do this BACT needs to work with Schools, Athletics Clubs, local authorities and top Coaches.
- So far BACT has made a significant impact in all three areas, but needs continued resources to guarantee its work.